
Monday, December 26, 2022

Arthur Turner Shot and Killed by Charlie Stewart, Dec. 26, 1922

Negro Is Killed in East Spencer. . . Arthur Turner, Peg Leg Negro, Shot and Killed by Charlie Stewart, Another Negro

Arthur Turner, a well known peg leg negro, was shot and instantly killed in Sugar Spring Hill, a suburb of East Spencer, Sunday night about 10 o’clock by Charlie Stewart, another negro, the weapon used being a shotgun. The slayer left the scene immediately after the shooting and has so far eluded the officers although diligent search was made for him as soon as the officers learned of the tragedy.

Both men are said to have been drinking, and Turner is alleged to have beaten the mother of Stewart, the men afterward having a quarrel, and Stewart secured a shotgun and emptied its contents into the body of Turner.

Turner has served time here and was for some months a sort of trusty about the jail. Stewart was not so familiarly known to the officers, but is said to have been a quarrelsome fellow.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1922

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