
Monday, December 26, 2022

J.C. Shoe's Stolen Studebaker Found Wrecked and Burned, Dec. 26, 1922

Burned Wreckage of Stolen Automobile Found on Roadside

A big seven passenger Studebaker automobile belonging to Mr. J.C. Shoe of near Sumner’s was stolen in Salisbury Saturday night, having been parked on one of the business streets, and it was while the owner was engaged in shopping that the car was driven off by someone.

The burned wreckage of the car was found on the side of the Mill Bridge road about 9 miles from Salisbury early Sunday morning.

Neither the owner nor the officers have any clue as to who stole the car, neither is it known how it caught fire. After the burning, the car was abandoned by the parties stealing it made a quick getaway.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1922

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