
Friday, December 16, 2022

Diamond Hill News, Dec. 14, 1922

Diamond Hill News

Miss Ethel McCollum and brother Frank spent Saturday night and Sunday at home.

Mr. Haywood Adams was a visitor in our community Sunday.

Supt. Allen and Miss Robinson visited our school last week.

Mr. James Thomas of Washington spent a few days with his parents last week. His brother, Jack, returned with him.

Master S.L. Thomas has been out of school a few days on account of tonsilitis.

Mr. Merrit Lloyd is very sick at this writing with influenza.

Miss Orene Stegall of Peachland spent last week with her sister, Mrs. John M. Sikes.

Mr. Harrington and family near Hopewell church have the influenza.

Miss Lina Webb, teacher, remained over this week-end.

Mr. John Sikes made a business trip to Wadesboro Friday.

Mr. Ray Kiker and family and Misses Webb and Poplin spent awhile Sunday at Mr. J.W. McCollum’s.

Mr. Ferree and son, John, spent Saturday night and Sunday at home.

From the Messenger and Intelligencer, Wadesboro, N.C., Dec. 14, 1922

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