
Thursday, December 8, 2022

Dr. Ernest Dunn Dies of Gas Asphyxiation, Dec. 8, 1922

Body of Dr. Dunn Was Found Early This Morning. . . Death Is Caused by Gas. . . Believed to Have Been Accidental. He Was Well-Known in Eastern Carolina. . . Buried Saturday. . . First Odor of Gas Noticed Yesterday. Was Dead Many Hours Before the Body Was Found

The body of Dr. Ernest W. Dunn, member of a prominent local family, was found this morning in a room of the residence he occupied on Craven street. Death was due to asphyxiation and evidently had taken place several hours before the discovery of the body. The dead body of his Scotch collie dog also was found in the same room.

Persons passing by the residence late yesterday afternoon noticed the odor of gas and commented on it. However, they thought that it was merely a poor connection somewhere, and no one paid any particular attention.

This morning the odor was so strong that Dr. Watson, who has a room on the second story of the building, notified the gas company and asked that they send a man around to make an investigation.

Mr. Weather, manager of the local gas office, went to the house immediately. The odor was strongest just outside the room occupied by Dr. Dunn. Efforts were made to open the door, but it was found to be locked from the inside. Mr. Weathers and Dr. Watson, accompanied by a police officer, then went around to the rear of the residence and Weathers was boosted in through a window which had not been latched. The body of Dr. Dunn was found lying across the bed. The dog was found on the floor, close by.

A physician who made an investigation immediately afterwards announced that Dr. Dunn has been dead for some time.

Gas Turned on Full

The gas was turned on full-blast. Mr. Weathers made a thorough investigation of the fixtures, which had been installed only a short time ago. He found that the gas had been turned on but that the light itself had not been turned on. The general belief is that Mr. Dunn in some manner or other turned on the gas, probably accidentally, and went to sleep before he realized what he had done. Either that or he became confused as to the operation of the fixtures.

When last seen yesterday he apparently was in good spirits. Relatives said today that he had been talking of going to Asheville for a time. He was well known throughout Eastern North Carolina. His dog, a handsome collie, was always with him wherever he went and was devoted to him.

The funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock from Christ Episcopal Church, Dr. J.A. McKinnon, rector, officiating. Interment will be in Cedar Grove Cemetery.

Dr. Dunn was the son of John Dunn, secretary of the New Bern Building Loan Association. He is also survived by four brothers.

From the front page of The New Bern Sun-Journal, Friday, Dec. 8, 1922

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