
Monday, December 26, 2022

James Welch, D.A. Atwell, Rbt. McLaughlin Have Died, Dec. 26, 1922

James Welch Died Suddenly Monday. . . Body Found in Front of Residence of Parents on South Main Street—Burial Today

James Welch, son of Capt. and Mrs. C.L. Welch, died suddenly early Monday morning, the body being round in front of his home on South Main street. The deceased had been seen by a number of people several hours previous to the finding of the body, which was discovered by a passerby about 7 o’clock. Death is attributed to heart trouble.

The funeral was held from the home, 319 South Main street, this morning at 11 o’clock, conducted by Rev. J.F. Kirk, pastor of the First Methodist church, and the interment was in Chestnut Hill cemetery. The burial was with military honors, participated in by members of the American Legion, young Welch having served with the American forces overseas during the world war.

The deceased was the youngest of two sons, the only children of Captain and Mrs. Welch, the other son, Echols, having died several years ago, he too having served with the Americans in France.

James Welch was 28 years old and was a native of this city. He was a big-hearted boy and had many friends. His parents are among Salisbury’s most widely known and highly respected citizens, his father being one of the leading business men of the city, and much sympathy is felt for them in their bereavement.


D.A. Atwell Dies at Age of 86 Years. . . One of Salisbury’s Oldest Citizens Passes Away—Prominent and Highly Respected

Another one of the old landmarks of this city and county passed away Sunday morning about 8 o’clock when David A. Atwell died at his home, corner of Fulton and Kerr streets, at the age of 86 years. The funeral took place from the First Presbyterian church this afternoon at 3 o’clock, conducted by Rev. Byron Clark, and the interment was in Chestnut Hill cemetery. The honorary pall bearers were H.N. Woodson, O.D. Davis, M.C. Quinn, J.F. McCubbins, W.L. Kluttz and E.B. Neave Sr. Active pall bearers were Dr. R.V. Brawley, H.P. Brandis, F.R. Brown, J.H. Ramsay, J.E. Hennessee and Walter H. Woodson.

Surviving is the widow; one daughter, Mrs. Theo Atwell; a brother, Luther, who resides in Texas; a sister who lives near Amity in Iredell county; and a half brother, Frank Atwell, who lives near Prospect church in Western Rowan. In addition to these he leaves a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren, as well as other relatives. Several grown daughters and a grown son have been dead some years. He also leaves a stepdaughter, Miss Ruth Moore, of this city.

Mr. Atwell was a native of Rowan county and had spent all of his life here with the exception of the four years he was in the Confederate army. He was one of Salisbury’s wealthiest, best known and highly respected citizens; had served on the board of aldermen; was a the time of his death a member of the Confederate pension board of Rowan and was a director in the First National bank. In his early manhood he clerked in several local mercantile establishments but soon launched into the business world for himself and for many years conducted one of the biggest hardware stores in Western North Carolina. He disposed of this some years ago and retired from active business except to look after his real estate and other holdings.

Mr. Atwell was married three times, his first wife being a sister of Messrs. H.N. and Wm. Woodson, his second wife being a sister of the late Mrs. H.N. Woodson. His widow was Mrs. Martha Moore, they being married some 10 or 12 years ago.

Mr. Atwood was one of the oldest residents of this city and was also one of the most widely known men in the county. He was well preserved for one of his age, and it was only a few years ago that his health began to fail. He had suffered several severe attacks in recent months.

He was a splendid man, upright and honorable, and was held in high esteem by his fellowmen. He was a familiar figure on the streets of the city and although it was known that his earthly pilgrimage was nearing an end his death has caused genuine sorrow among many people here, especially those who have been lifelong friends and acquaintances.

His death marks the passing of just one more of the old citizens of this community and creates another vacancy in the depleted ranks of the old time Salisburians; those who have watched the growth of their native home, as it has advanced from a mere village to a thriving city, and their taking away creates a vacancy that is felt by all, and no break in these ranks will be more marked than that caused by the death of “Dave” Atwell.


Robt. A. McLaughlin Dies at Cleveland

Robert A. McLaughlin, 73 years old, died at his home near Cleveland Monday morning at 9:30 o’clock. The funeral and burial took place today at Centenary church near Cleveland. The deceased is survived by several grown sons and daughters.

“Uncle Bob,” as he was familiarly known in his neighborhood, was a splendid man and had a large circle of friends. He was known to quite a number of Salisbury people also.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1922

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