
Monday, December 26, 2022

Officer Grabs Jar of Booze as John Beach Dumps It Out Window, Dec. 26, 1922

Officer Grabs Jar of Booze as Owner Dumps It Out Window

The only booze captured by officers in this vicinity over the Christmas rush and holidays was a lone pint nabbed Sunday night about 11 o’clock thru the window of the apartment on Horah street occupied by John Beach and family, according to a report from both state and federal officers who made the raid.

Officers, suspecting Beach of dealing in liquor, threw a guard around the house. Beach refused them admittance. The officers waited a few minutes. Someone began pouring a quantity of liquid stuff out of one window. An officer on the lookout walked up and grabbed a quart jar which contained a pint of liquor.

A warrant was sworn out this morning by federal officers charging Beach with having liquor in his possession for the purpose of sale.

From the front page of the Salisbury Evening Post, Tuesday, Dec. 26, 1922

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