
Saturday, December 3, 2022

Jobs for Some of New Bern's Destitute, Dec. 4, 1922

Employment Is Open for Some of Destitute. . . Local Business Men Are Urged to Come Forward and Help the Fire Victims

Offers of employment are now being made and it is believed that many of those now idle will be put to work within the next few days.

Concerns or individuals which are in a position to employ men or women are requested to communicate with C.C. Kirkpatrick at once. There are hundreds of persons out of employment and it is essential that work be found for them at once.

Attention is called to the following positions which are open today.

The New Bern Tobacco Company announces that it wants 200 women at once to stem tobacco.

Fred Brag has employment for 75 women, who are wanted to transplant cabbage plants.

It is hoped that other concerns, needing employees, will make their requests known.

The Sun-Journal will be glad to give full publicity to their announcements without charge.

From the front page of The New Bern Sun-Journal, Dec. 4, 1922

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