
Friday, December 16, 2022

Want Ads from The Messenger and Intelligencer, Wadesboro, N.C., December 1922


BEST N.Y. STATE Danish cabbage at J.P. Gathings’ store Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. Ten tons at 2 ½ cents per pound. R.L. Tomlinson, J.P. Gathings.

The whole store is alive with the spirit of Xmas. See our splendid display of useful gift articles. The Liles Company.

FREE—Our big stick of candy if you can guess what it weighs. Contest closes Christmas morning at 10 o’clock. J.E. Gray & Sons.

WANTED TENANTS—Three 2- or 3 horse farmers, with or without stock. Good houses and barns. See or phone J.S. Henry, Lilesville, N.C.

FURS—Can you think of a better gift for wife, daughter or sweetheart? The Liles Company. GIN NOTICE—Our gin on the Camden road hereafter will run only on Tuesday and Friday of each week until further notice. Wadesboro Gin Co.

FOR RENT—One, two and three horse farms. Will rent or let on shares. Good land. See or write Clark Bros., Pee Dee, N.C.

WILL BE HERE SOON—Car of fire brick, car No. 1 pine shingles, car No. 2 pine shingles. H.W. Ingram, Wadesboro, N.C.

HAVE A FEW Tyson & Jones buggies at a bargain. H.W. Ingram, Wadesboro, N.C.

GET THAT NEW Singer Sewing machine for Christmas. Nothing would be nicer. See J.E. Morton, Wadesboro, N.C.

BLOODHOUND—I now have a satisfactory Bloodhound which is at the service of the public. M.B. Howell, Wadesboro, N.C.

WANTED—To do your Kodak finishing. Also enlarging from your favorite negatives. 24-hour service. Carson’s Studio.

W.H. WAKEFIELD, M.D. (Oculist of Southerland-Wakefield Co., 233 S. Tryon St., Charlotte) will be at Parsons Drug store on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 15th and 16th. The doctor limits his practice to eye, ear, nose and throat diseases and fitting glasses. You are invited to ask your family physician concerning Dr. Wakefield’s ability. He will be in Morven on Thursday, Dec. 14.

Cheaper than ever before—a new Fall hat at exactly half price. The Liles Company.

HORSE SHOEING and all kinds of smith work, the best. Clay Saylor.

WE HAVE ‘EM NOW—Those Hot Shot Batteries. Make that Ford easy to start. Last six months, cost $2.50. McRae Battery and Service Station, Wadesboro, N.C.

WANTED—Your Pressing, Altering, Dying, Dry-cleaning, Hemstitching, Picoting, Button Covering, etc. All work turned out promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Sanitary Pressing Club. Phone 150.

WANTED—White Oak, Post Oak and Chestnut Oak Cross Ties. Will pay highest cash price delivered at depot at Ansonville. J.E. Summey & Co.

TRY OUR 10c Flap-Jack Pies, If you are not satisfied you get your money back. The City Lunch Room.

FOR SALE—Two H.P. electric motor with 4-inch pulley, three phase, 60 cycle, 1,800 R.P.M. Used comparatively little and in first class condition. Apply at The M. & L. office.

WANTED—One or two horse farmer to work on halves. Good land, good house, two miles east of Polkton. Fred Horne, Polkton, N.C.

LAND POSTED—All persons are hereby forbidden to hunt with dogs or guns or to trespass in manner on the lands of the undersigned, under penalty of law. W.B. Bennett.

SEE THEM FIRST—Wagon bodies. Clay Saylor.

WANTED—Share cropper who can furnish stock, 2-horse farm, sandy land. I will furnish 800 lbs. fertilizer per acre. H.B. Davis, Chesterfield, S.C. R 2.

FOR RENT—Furnished Rooms with bath. Gentlemen preferred. Apply at M & I Office for further information.

ONE Good 2-horse farm for rent and two fresh milk cows for sale. T.C. Johnson, Morven, N.C. R 1.

FOR SERVICE—Registered spotted Poland-China boar, the hog of the hour. J.S. Liles, Morven, N.C.

250,000 Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage plants. Right age, right size, Oakdale Farm, Marshville, N.C.

Duroc Service Boar—Oak Grove Buck, registered. Breed your sows now for spring farrowing, N.P. Liles, R-1, Wadesboro, N.C.

RUBBER TIRE WORK and blacksmithing. The best. Clay Saylor.

BENNETT BROTHERS Offer for Sale Galvanized Roofing, all lengths.

MASON CORD TIRES Look Better, last longer and cost less. Try just one. McRae Service Station, Wadesboro, N.C.



On Thursday, December 28th, at 12 o’clock noon, I will sell to the highest bidder, at the court house door, one second hand Ford car and a sewing machine.

James A. Leak, Administrator c.t.a. of J.D. Hyatt.

From page 12 of the Messenger and Intelligencer, Wadesboro, N.C., Dec. 14, 1922. R 1 or R A, means Rural Route 1 or Rural Route A.

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