
Friday, January 27, 2023

"Little Mouse" in H.E. Department Reports on Reception, Jan. 27, 1923

Home Economics Mouse Tells of Another Event. . . H.E. Juniors Entertain Faculty

One of the oddest parties was given on Tuesday afternoon in my apartment, or rather I should say, one of the oddest parties to my own opinion, because those who came did not think it was odd. Instead, they thought it was a lovely party given for the ladies of the faculty. They called it a reception.

For an hour before the reception, there was a hustle and bustle through the rooms. From where I sat, I could see girls placing ferns, draping British ivy around windows, and concealing a large punch bowl in a great mound of green which was in a circle of lighted candles.

I could not see in the kitchen, nor was I brave enough to take a single peep at what was in progress there, because, although it's my own kitchen, I am sometimes chased from it. Nevertheless, from the familiar sounds, I knew that the Junior Home Economics Girls were preparing some refreshments.

Later appeared five ladies, Misses Leftwich, Rogers, Green, Sessoms and Mrs. Meinung. They welcomed the members of the faculty into the Home Economics Department. Punch, chicken salad, biscuits, olives and coffee were served by girls who have a chance to visit the department very often, and who have so many good times cooking, cleaning cupboard and washing towels.

From the expression on the faces of every one who called, I knew the guests were having a nice time.

From the front page of The Salemite, Salem College, Winston-Salem, N.C., Jan. 27, 1923

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