
Friday, January 27, 2023

Steven Foster Memorial Day Observed, January 1923

Steven Foster Memorial Day Observed

Steven Foster Memorial Day was observed at Salem on January 13th. The program was presented in Memorial Hall by the Musical Appreciation class with Mary Warren, Elizabeth Griffin, and Ruth Reeves serving on the program committee. All of the selections were taken from the great King of the Folk song’s own compositions. The History of Music class was especially invited but a cordial invitation was extended to all who cared to attend.

The honor was begun by the singing of “My Old Kentucky Home” by the entire company, Dean Shirley at the piano. Ruth Reeves, as chairman of the committee, then introduced Mrs. Ralph Stockton (Maggie Mae Thompson) who delighted her audience by singing “Old Folks at Home.”

Harriett Uzzle then gave Foster’s life and works. This was followed by Misses White and Aston singing “Massa’s in the Cold, Cold Ground,” with Miss Coble accompanying.

Since Dean Shirley had a special arrangement of “Old Folks at Home” for the organ, it was given as the next number. “Old Black Joe”, sung by all, concluded the program.

From the front page of The Salemite, Salem College, Winston-Salem, N.C., Jan. 27, 1923

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