
Sunday, January 22, 2023

Mills Close Again Due to Lack of Hydro-Electric Power, Jan. 22, 1923

Southern Power Closes Mills Again. . . Another Curtailment of Hydro-Electric Power Announced; Due to Lack of Rainfall

By Associated Press

Charlotte, Jan. 22—Curtailment of power to mills and other plants served by it in North Carolina and South Carolina will be resumed Wednesday, the Southern Power company announced here today.

Lack of rainfall has lowered the water streams which feed its hydro-electric plants, the company said, and has again made necessary a curtailment schedule, which was effective last autumn.

The plans call for a division of its power subscribers into five zones, according to locality, and having plants in each zone shut down one day in each week.

The schedule will start, it was announced with the mills in Gaston county, this constitution zone 3, shutting down.

It was explained that this was to be a renewing of the curtailment where it was left off. The company announcement said it was not known when a full supply of power would be resumed, as this would depend on the rain.

From the front page of The Salisbury Evening Post, Monday, January 22, 1923

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