
Sunday, January 22, 2023

N.C. Druggist H.A. Grissom Still Missing in Florida, Jan. 22, 1923

N.C. Druggist Is Still Missing. . . Search for Body of H.A. Grissom, Greensboro Druggist, Unavailing; Car Plunged in Creek

By Associated Press

Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 22—Further efforts to find the body of H.A. Grissom of Greensboro, N.C. druggist, were unavailing last night, and those engaged in the search believe that unless it is pinned to the bottom of the creek where his automobile plunged Thursday night, it will rise to the surface today. Hope that he still lives is held by a few, who point out that he might be on the north bank of the creek, lost in dense swamp. No trace of the body has been found.

Was Traveling Alone

Mr. and Mrs. Grissom had been in Florida for the past two weeks with their small child. The trip was made in a Hupmobile touring car, state license 40735, city license 307.

Thursday night the child was not well and Mrs. Grissom decided to come straight back to Greensboro on the train. Mr. Grissom was to come back in the automobile. He bought the ticket for Mrs. Grissom and the child in Jacksonville Thursday night and about 7:30 left in his car. Mrs. Grissom caught a train and reached Greensboro Saturday night.

Mr. Grissom had only a small about of money with him, about $15, and he was to wire for more from Atlanta. No word has been received form him since Mrs. Grissom parted with him in Jacksonville. His plan then was to push ahead and make either Waycross or Atlanta the first night. Since that moment the first information from him in the dispatched from Florida reporting the discovery of the car upturned in Thomas creek. The first dispatched reported the city license number was 4073-J and no state number was mentioned. Dispatches last night said the state number was 40735 and the city number 307. Both are the numbers of Mr. Grissom’s Hupmobile touring car.

From the front page of The Salisbury Evening Post, Monday, January 22, 1923

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