
Monday, January 2, 2023

Mrs. Walker Asks for Donations of Books, Portraits of Confederate Heroes, to New High School Library, Jan. 2, 1923

Border Book Club Urges School Library

Awake! We hope the effort to accumulate a fine library for our High School will not languish.

The Schools reopen tomorrow and we trust all who are even a wee bit interested will start in anew to contribute books or money.

The Border Book Club expects to donate 200 volumes, Miss Merriweather is chairman of this ?? of books. The members of the club are urged to send in their books this week so they may be properly labeled and catalogued.

It would be fine if the Daughters of the Confederacy would interest themselves in donating a shelf of Confederate literature. What say you, Daughters?

We would also like portraits of our Confederate heroes to adorn the walls of our School library! They represent our highest ideals of loyal southern manhood. Let us think on these things.

--Mrs. W.R. Walker

President, Border Book Club

From the front page of the Tri-City Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Jan. 2, 1923

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