
Monday, January 2, 2023

Yet Another Glovenia Street Accident, Jan. 2, 1923

Another Glovenia Street Accident Monday

A large truck belonging to the Carolina Cotton and Woolen Mills Company struck a Ford car driven by a Mr. Isley of Greensboro which came together with considerable force demolishing the Ford, at the junction of Boone road and Glovenia street, Monday afternoon. Nobody was hurt although the two men in the Ford had a close call.

The truck turned up Boone road toward Spray, while the Ford was coming from Spray and heading for Leaksville. Mr. Isley claims the truck turned the corner too quickly and hit his car when he was on his own side of the street, whether this claim is well founded or not, we were unable to learn.

The truth is that the corner is one of the most dangerous places in the street and scarcely a day passes without an accident of some kind.

The town should put “Stop” signs on Glovenia street and “Slow Down” signs on Boone road, and if this does not remedy the matter then the corners should be rounded to give more room. Nearly every body, it is said, exceeds the speed limit as they pass this corner, and some one is apt to meet death there most any day.

From the front page of the Tri-City Gazette, Leaksville, N.C., Jan. 2, 1923

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