
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Mrs. Williams, Miss Baird Share Experiences in India, Jan. 24, 1923

Missionary Meeting at Methodist Church

A meeting of unusual interest was held at Main Street M.E. church Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock when two returned missionaries, Mrs. Williams and Miss Baird, spoke on conditions in India. The meeting was held under the auspices of the Crawford Missionary Society of the M.E. church, but was conducted as a union meeting, every one interested in missions being urged to come.

Mrs. Williams and Miss Baird were sent to India from the Friends church. Mrs. Williams spoke on the work of the W.C.T.U. in India. She gave an interesting account of what the different churches were doing to break up the liquor traffic. Liquor has been introduced into India by so-called Christian nations, and when an Indian is asked to be a Christian, he replied: “What! Do you want to make me a drunkard?”

Miss Baird, fresh from 30 years’ service in India, spoke on the deplorable condition of the women in India. The Indian people are the most religious people on earth and many of the horrors in India are the result of obeying what they believe to be the will of their gods. Miss Baird says India is not yet ready for home rule; that no nation whose women are degraded and ignorant can rule itself. She closed her address with a plea to the different churches to send more missionaries to India—to help India.

From the front page of The Reidsville Review, Jan. 24, 1923

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