
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Home Demonstration Agent Shares Sources of Purebred Chicken Eggs, Jan. 24, 1923

Home Demonstration Work

By Mrs. Ethel Wells Moore, Agent

The following is the newest list I have of people from whom pure-bred eggs and poultry may be had:

Turkeys—White Holland Turkeys from Mrs. S.L. Pullian, Jackson Springs, N.C. or Mrs. G.C. Pate, Fayetteville, N.C., Route 3.

Chickens—From Oscar H. Phillips, county agent, Albemarle, N.C., may be had eggs at $2.50 per setting or $12 for 100 of the following breeds: Single Comb Rhode Island Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks, White Wyandottes.

J.W. Hendricks, Newton, N.C., can furnish the same prices eggs of the Barred Plymouth Rock, Buff Plymouth Rock, White Wyandotte, Partridge Plymouth Rock, Single Comb Brown Leghorns and some other breeds.

Miss Dorothy Yount, Henry, N.C., Route 1, has eggs for Rhode Island Reds.

Miss Viola Kiker, Polkton, N.C., Silver Wyandotte.

Mrs. Roy Slade, Blanche, N.C., utility White Leghorns.

Ed McPherson, Mebane, N.C., Barred Rocks.

Mrs. R.W. Scott Jr., Bolton, N.C., White Plymouth Rocks.

There are a number of poultry club members in our county from which pure-bred eggs may be secured of the following varieties: Barred Plymouth Rocks, Black Minorcas and Rhode Island Reds.

From page 7 of the Reidsville Review, Jan. 24, 1923

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