
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Vicinity News From The Star of Zion, Jan. 25, 1923

Vicinity News

The Sunday School Union will convene at Clinton Metropolitan church Sunday afternoon, January 28th at 9:30 o’clock.

Mrs. Mary Moore-Withers of Cleveland, Ohio, is in the city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.D. Moore of Western Heights.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown of Washington Heights left Sunday evening for a trip through Florida.

Mrs. Carrie White of Biddeville is confined to her room this week with la grippe. We hope for her a hasty recovery.

Mrs. H.P. Lankford of E. 7th St., was called to Landis, N.C., this week to attend the funeral of her uncle.

Mr. D.D. Moore of Western Heights is much improved after undergoing a slight operation of the throat.

Mrs. Emma Hare of New York City is in the city visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Holt of S. Caldwell St.

Miss Floretta Douglass, a member of the Publishing House force, is ill at her home this wee. We hope for her a speedy recovery.

Miss Ernestine Jordan, one of the Gastonia High school teachers, spent the week end with her parents and friends of Biddleville.

A class of nine girls of the primary department of Little Rock church were promoted to the Junior class on last Sunday afternoon. Certificates were presented by Rev. J. Francis Lee.

Mrs. Byce of Martin Street is still on the sick list. A speedy recovery is hoped for her. Splendid prayer services began at Livingstone College Wednesday evening and will be continued two weeks. The services are being conducted by several good ministers.

Mr. John Saunders of Biddleville is indisposed this week with la grippe.

Dr. French Tyson will move to his new office in the Mecklenburg Investment Building next week.

Mesdames Ida and Lizzie Jenkins entertained at their home at Christmas dinner the following guests: Dr. Wm. Wells, pastor of Simpson chapel M.E. Church, Rev. N.D. King, pastor of Clinton chapel A.M.E. Zion church, Mr. Alfred H. Phelps, Detroit, Mich., the Misses Laura Flynn, Vergie Lewis, Mrs. C.W. Simmons, Mrs. C.L. Simmons, Mrs. Sadie Knox and Rev. H.L. Simmons.

The reception given on last Monday night by the stewardess board No. 5 of Little Rock A.M.E. Zion church in hoor of stewardess board No. 8 of the same church, at the home of Messrs. Colston and Barnett, 502 N. McDowell St., was one of the most unique social functions of the season. A short program was rendered after which the guests were ushered into the beautifully decorated dining room where the following courses were served: chicken sandwiches, fruit salad and cocoa; jelly with whipped cream and lady fingers (cakes); after dinner mints and delicious fruit punch. These two boards are doing very tangible work in the church under the efficient leadership of their most excellent chairmen. Stewardess board No. 5 is under the able supervision of Mrs. Edna Neal, while stewardess board No. 8 is well piloted by Mrs. Fannie Springs. A large number was present and a most pleasurable evening was spent by those present.

From page 8 of The Star of Zion, Charlotte, N.C., Jan. 25, 1923

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