
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Binam Reed Charged with Bigamy, Feb. 25, 1923

Brought to Littleton on Charge of Bigamy

Littleton, Feb. 24—Binam Reed, a farmer of this community, was brought here from Rockingham and tried Friday for bigamy. He denies his name is Reed and says it is Rawles; that he does not know any of the people and was never here before.

Reed was turned over to court and will be tried at the next term of superior court in Warrenton.

Reed, who was a contractor, left here about eight years ago, leaving his wife and several children. It is reported he left here with another woman who died a short time afterwards.

Since then he has married again and has been living in Rockingham for several years. He has two or three children by this marriage.

From page 2 of the Raleigh News & Observer, Sunday, Feb. 25, 1923

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