
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Pneumonia Takes Life of Gunshot Victim B.C. Lucas, Feb. 25, 1923

Dies as Result of Gun Shot Wounds

Dunn, Feb. 24—B.C. Lucas, well known Harnett county farmer, died at his home near Dunn, of pneumonia.

Deceased was 59 years old and is survived by his second wife and six children. The funeral was conducted at the grave and interment was made in the family cemetery, near the home.

Mr. Lucas, who was well known throughout this section, was shot through a glass window in his home some six weeks ago and suffered much from wounds which were considered serious at the time. He spent some time in a Fayetteville hospital and it was soon after he returned to his home that he contracted pneumonia. It is thought that the disease which proved fatal was brought on as a result of the gun-shot wounds. Lucas was shot while in his home, the load of buckshot fired through a window taking effect in his face, neck and chest. It has never been learned who fired the shot that most likely resulted in the death of Lucas, and no arrest has yet been made.

From page 2 of the Raleigh News & Observer, Sunday, Feb. 25, 1923

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