
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Local News from Reidsville, Feb. 14, 1923

Local News

"Ground hog weather” is still with us.

Capt. J.H. Mobley has moved his family to their new home in Courtland Place.

Little Wilfred Bolton, son of Mrs. Lessie Bolton, is getting along nicely after having a severe attack of flu and pneumonia.

The Mothers’ Club will meet with Mrs. M.P. Cummings on Redd street on Friday afternoon of this week instead of Thursday, as scheduled.

Mrs. Swinson of Baltimore will arrive this afternoon to take charge of the millinery department at Mrs. Cornie Irvin & Co’s, “The Woman’s Store.”

The Parent-Teacher Association of Midway school house on Route 2 will given an oyster supper at that school house Saturday night, the 17th. Everybody invited.

Tobacco has been coming in quite freely to the local cooperative warehouse this week. Receipts on Tuesday where heavier than any day since the New Year.

Wallace, the magician, will help while away a fine evening on Thursday. Go over to see him at the Franklin street school at 8 p.m. and help out the annual.

The Woman’s Missionary Society of Bethlehem church will meet with Miss Nannie Ratliffe Saturday afternoon, February 17th, at 2:30. All members are urgently requested to be present as this is an important business meeting.

Farmers in town report that the recent snow and sleet has done the wheat a great deal of good and that already it is showing an improved appearance. There is a fairly large crop sown in the county and farmers generally are hoping for a big crop this year. Some plowing has already been done in preparation for spring crops, but not a great deal.

The Kiwanis banquet which was to have been held on Thursday night of this week, has been indefinitely postponed on account of conditions arising making it impossible to make the event as large and complete as was planned. Members will please take due notice of this and govern themselves according. The next meeting will be held Thursday, February 22, at 12:15.

M.T. Smith, secretary of the chamber of commerce, will speak to the Lawsonville Avenue Parent-Teacher Association Thursday, Feb. 15, at 3 p.m. This talk will be one of the series of booster events for the month of February. Members of the association are asked to answer the roll call by a statement of something they have done during this month to boost their school, church, city or state. Women of the P.T.A. may show their patriotism by helping their community. “Red Foam,” a Select Special, at The Grande today (Wednesday).

The theatre growers of Reidsville and surrounding community are justly proud of The Grande Symphony Orchestra and the wonderful music it renders every afternoon and night.

Sweet, beautiful, charming Mary Miles Minter in “All Soul’s Eve,” at the Grande Theatre Thursday. It’s a Paramount picture, with special musical settings by The Grande Symphony Orchestra.

Recent bad weather has put most of the roads in this section in bad condition as there has not been enough sunshine to permit dragging with any effect. Except for a brief bad spell just before Christmas the roads have stood up well, despite the fact that a good deal of detouring has been necessary.

Lenten services, St. Thomas church, Ash Wednesday, 8 a.m. Holy Communion. Special services 7:30 p.m. Sunday services will be as usual. Daily services at 5 o’clock except Wednesday and Sunday. Bishop Penick will conduct a mission the week beginning March 11th. A hearty welcome awaits you at all of these services.

Members of the Rotary club listened to a very fine talk from Hon. Whitehead Kluttz, formerly of Salisbury, but now with the National Playground and Recreation Association of New York, at their meeting yesterday. While Mr. Kluttz is not a member of a Rotary club, his talk was conclusive proof that the work of his association is doing through community service is 100 per cent Rotary. Eugene D. Watt was admitted a member of the club, his classification being leaf tobacco buyer. A letter from The William Carter Co., addressed to the Rotary club, was read, in which these gentlemen expressed appreciation to the Rotary club for the part it took in making their visit in Reidsville so pleasant when they were here a few weeks ago.

From page 5 of The Reidsville Review, Feb. 14, 1923

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