
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Madge York Editor of The Pointer, Feb. 28, 1923

The Pointer

Published every Wednesday for the members of the city schools and the people of High Point by the High Point High School

Madge York, Editor-in-Chief

Thomas Gold, Assistant Editor

Departmental Editors

Literary, Richard Salsbury

Humorous, Fred Andrews

Athletic, June Allred, Wm. Ragan

H.P.H.S., Aline Jones

City School, Ward Swain

Exchange, Eloice Hutchens

Society, Elizabeth Hayden


Emmett Pritchard, Business Manager

James Ellington, Assistant Shop Manager

Harry Schwartz, Advertising Manager

Charles Farriss, Circulation Manager

H.G. Owens, Faculty Adviser


Subscription Price

School Children—50 cents per year

Outsiders--$1 per year

From the editorial page of The Pointer, Feb. 28, 1923

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