
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Pointer, High Point High School Newspaper, Feb. 28, 1923

Advertisements for:

Wachovia Bank & Trust Co.

Cannon-Fetzer Co., the leading clothiers

Commercial National Bank

If it comes from MATTON’S, that’s all you need to know!

Printing & Office Supply Co., 143 S. Wrenn St.

High Point Music Company, 128 ½ N. Main St.

Eversharp pencils, Waterman fountain pens, Whitman’s chocolates at Hart Drug Co.

Farriss Printing Co., 118 N. Main Street

Silverware, pens, pencils, birth stones, rings, pearls, etc., Square Deal Martin, 128 ½ South Main St.

(You might be interested to now that both banks paid 4 percent interest on savings accounts.)

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