
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Roanoke-Chowan Times, Feb. 15, 1923

Insist on Genuine Bayer Asperin.

Kodak Finishing. No better service anywhere—Baker’s Studio, Washington, N.C.

Horses and Mules at our stables in Rich Square and Weldon, Holoman Brothers

Reduction in bicycles, high grade, fully equipped, now $30—J.T. Futrell, jeweler and optician, Rich Square, N.C.

John S. Jenkins & Co., cotton factors and commission merchants, Norfolk, Va.

Cardui, the woman’s tonic

666 quickly relieves Colds and Lagrippe, Constipation, Biliousness and Headaches

Medicine cabinet supplies at Rich Square Drug Co.

Bring the whole family to E.S. Bowers & Co., Jackson, N.C.

From page 7 of the Roanoke-Chowan Times, Rich Square, N.C., Feb. 15, 1923

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