
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Was Benjamin Moore Appointed to West Point or U.S. Naval Academy? Feb. 15, 1923

New Bern Youth Is Appointed to West Point

New Bern, Feb. 14—Benjamin Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. B.E. Moore, was notified today of his appointment as principal for entrance into the U.S. Naval Academy in a letter received from Congressman Charles L. Abernethy. Young Moore will be graduated from the local high school in June and will take the entrance exam a short time after. He will fill the vacancy occasioned by the graduation of George Taylor of Beaufort, who succeeded Charles T. Wotten of this city.

Page 12 of the Raleigh News & Observer, Feb. 15, 1923. West Point isn’t the Naval Academy. Also is the last name Wotten (as it was spelled in the newspaper) or Wooten?

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