
Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Folks at Church Social Delighted to Have Electric Lights, March 7, 1923

Church Social with Big Surprise for All. . . Electric Lights Brought About a Regular Transformation

The most memorable church supper and social that has occurred in years in a certain town in the middle west took place last winter. The town is a rural community in the center of a farming territory of considerable extent.

Because of the scattered population, the church supper is one of the annual occasions when everybody meets everybody else and a whole year’s supply of gossip is exchanged in the course of a single evening. More than that, however, the supper enjoys a big reputation. And when the last one was announced the whole countryside planned to be on hand.

When the farmers began driving in shortly after dark, they were amazed upon coming in sight of the church to perceive a blaze of light pouring out of every window. Out in one corner of the churchyard a little gasoline engine was chugging away, and inside, suspended from various points about the building, were a number of gleaming electric lights, replacing the battery of kerosene lamps with which the church had previously been lighted.

The curious farm folk soon discovered the “system”—a self-contained farm electric light and power plant, consisting of the gasoline engine, an electric generator, the necessary wiring and the Mazda lamps. It was a contribution to the success of the social by the town’s electrical supply agent, and it certainly made a hit. The whole church was filled with the brightness of the lights, and the social atmosphere was greatly increased thereby.

From page 2 of the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, March 7, 1923

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