
Tuesday, March 7, 2023

News From King, N.C., March 7, 1923

Rock Throwers Almost Kill Boy. . . Ralph Kiser Hit on Head and Knocked Unconscious—Little Son of Mr. and Mrs. Randleman Dead—News of King

King, March 5—The Walnut Cove high school basketball team defeated the King high school team in a game here last Friday. The score stood 30 to 16.

Thunderbolt Tom, the evangelist of this place, is holding a two weeks’ meeting at Fair View near Pilot Mountain.

Attorney T.W. Kallam of Winston-Salem was here Saturday looking after some legal matters.

Mr. Pleas Tilley of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Love of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with Mr. Love’s parents on Pulliam Street.

Mr. J.W. Hall, who recently underwent an operation in the Lawrence hospital at |Winton-Salem, is well on his way to recovery, we are glad to note.

Mr. T.S. Petree of Winston-Salem was among the visitors here Sunday.

Mr. Claud Culler of High Point spent Sunday with his parents here.

Mr. Ralph Kiser and some neighbor boys while on their way home from King last night were rocked by some unknown parties. Ralph was hit on the head and knocked unconscious for some little time but his condition is not regarded as serious.

Moir, the 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earlie Randleman, died Saturday with spinal meningitis. The interment was conducted from Friends Union church yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. James Love Jr. of Winston-Salem spent Sunday with relatives here.

Mr. Robert Cook, who holds a position with he Atlantic & Yadkin Railway Company, spent Sunday with his family in Walnut Hills.

Mr. Joe Jackson of Pinnacle is here on business today.

Mrs. S.H. Brown and sisters were hostesses to the ladies aid of the Methodist church, at their home on west Main street Saturday afternoon, March 3rd. After a very interesting program, the guests were invited into the dining room where refreshments were served.

Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Leake spent Sunday with relatives in Danbury.

Mr. Paul Manuel, who died at his home in Winston-Salem yesterday, was laid to rest in Trinity M.E. Cemetery near here today.

Mr. and Mrs. S.H. Brown and S.W. Pulliam motored in Rural Hall Sunday afternoon to visit.

Miss Alvertie Pulliam and Miss Norman spent Saturday in Winston-Salem shopping.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, Wednesday, March 7, 1923

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