
Sunday, March 26, 2023

New Mill Sent Its First Bale of Silk Shirting, March 25, 1923

First Shipment of Silk Saturday. . . Morven Mills Shipped Bale of Silk Shirting to Massachusetts Worth $4,380

A bale of silk goods valued at $4,380 was shipped Saturday by the Morven Cotton Mills of this city. It was consigned to a firm in Massachusetts and represents the first silk goods that has been shipped by the mills since they began operation a few months ago. The silk was shirting and of the best kind.

The mills began operation after a complete renovation of the plant, formerly the Commonwealth Mills. New machinery of the latest type, some of it being extremely complicated, was installed and an addition was made to the plant. Through the operation of the mill it was necessary to bring into the city a number of skilled men and women in the manufacture of silks and plaids.

The mills are to make plaids such as is used in making women’s skirts, it was stated at the mill just prior to the time of opening. This will give Durham the only plaid mill in the state, it was stated. Most of this type of goods is made in the New England states.

From page 5 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, March 25, 1923

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