
Sunday, March 26, 2023

S.M. Newton, Who Sold Worthless Oil Stocks, Fighting Extradition, March 25, 1923

Try to Extradite an Oil Stock Man

By the Associated Press

Raleigh, N.C., March 24—Frank Nash, assistant attorney general of North Carolina, today was making preparations to represent the state in Richmond, March 31, at the extradition hearing of S.M. Newton, charged with obtaining money under false pretense in the sale of worthless oil stocks to John L. Johnson, Harnett county. Newton is fighting his return to the state for trial.

Johnson, it is said, paid $10,000 for the alleged valueless stock.

From page 11 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, March 25, 1923. $10,000 in 1923 is worth $175,930 today, and the crash of the stock market is coming in 1929.

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