
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Co-ops Firing Warehouse Heads, April 30, 1923

Co-ops Fire Many Warehouse Heads

Kinston, April 30—According to information given out by former officials of the Cooperative Marketing Association in the eastern belt, the association is withholding contracts of practically all if not all managers from whose warehouses were leased.

The first instance to be made public was the discharge of J.N. Gorman of Greenville, cooperative manager of the warehouse there, for “unsatisfactory services.” It is understood that T.C. Watkins Jr., the director at Richmond, is going the firing.

It is also understood that all warehouse leases secured by the association continue for a period of five years. No manager had a contract for more than one year, it is said.

According to word received here the cooperative managers at Greenville, La Grange, New Bern, Rocky Mount, Mayesville, Farmville and other markets lost their jobs.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, April 30, 1923

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