
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Rockingham County Sunday School Rally, April 30, 1923

Many at Sunday School Rally

The first session of the Rockingham County Sunday School Rally was held Sunday afternoon at Main Street M.E. church and was attended by a large and appreciative audience. Splendid addresses were delivered by Miss Mary McElwe, state Philathea president, of Henderson. Miss Bertha Cates discussed the junior department of Sunday school from the viewpoint of “What can we do for the Juniors.” Her address was filled with helpful suggestions as to keeping the juniors interested in their work. A.B. Saleeby of Salisbury ably discussed the problem of “Stopping the Leak in Sunday School.” Special music by young ladies from Reidsville high school was greatly enjoyed by all present.

At the conclusion of the addresses a business session was held at which time officers for the local Baraca-Philathea City Union were elected as follows:

President—J.H. Allen.

Vice President—Mrs. W.S. Goodson.

Secretary—Mrs. Oscar Leath.

Assistant Secretary—J.F. Delancy.

Treasurer—A.H. Gwyn.

Assistant Treasurer—Mrs. H.F. Trent.

Historian—Mrs. Joe Johnston.

Reporter—C.E. Brewer.

The church auditorium was taxed to its capacity both afternoon and evening. During the progress of sessions the following interesting facts were brought out:

--Number of students under 25 years of age enrolled in the various Sunday schools, 821,999.

--Under 25 years of age not enrolled, 885,540.

--Number of Sunday schools, 8,525.

--Number of churches without Sunday schools, 1,210.

Rev. J.A. Ledbetter presided at the meeting Sunday night. The first speaker was Judge I.R. Humpreys, the daddy of the Baraca movement in Reidsville, who gave a brief review of the Baraca-Philathea work in Reidsville during the past 10 years. He said that during the present year 13 of these classes have been organized in Reidsville.

L.W. Clark of Spray spoke interestingly on the subject of “The Possibilities of a City Union and the Need of a County Union.” Mr. Clark declared that Reidsville and Greensboro were the best Sunday school centers in this state, and thought it proper that the movement for a county-wide organization should start in Reidsville. He offered many valuable suggestions which the Reidsville township union will doubtless adopt. Mrs. N. Buckner of Asheville was the principal speaker on this occasion. Mrs. Buckner has been engaged in the work of organizing Baraca-Philathea classes for a number of years. She brought out many interesting points not generally known by the public and her magnificent address spurred her hearers to take a greater hold on this important work.

Following the installation of officers, Clarence L. Virgin delivered the closing address, asking the cooperation of everyone in the great revival campaign which begins in Reidsville next Sunday.

From the front page of the Reidsville Review, April 30, 1923

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