
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

County Club Meets at New Iso-Thermal Hotel, April 19, 1923

County Club Met Here Tuesday. . . Will Study Rutherford County at May Meeting—Morse, Thrash and Others Speak—Music—Met in New Hotel

The Rutherford County Club had one of the best meetings it has ever held here Tuesday. The luncheon was held in the spacious dining room of the new Iso-Thermal Hotel. About 76 plates were served. Several farmers and ladies were among those present. The feed was unusually good.

Mr. James G.K. McClure was unable to be present to discuss co-operative marking. Dr. L.B. Morse, president of Chimney Rock Co., and County Demonstrator L.D. Thrash took his place and delivered instructive addresses on the various phases of co-operative marketing. They told in detail how the plan worked in Buncombe county and how farmers had standardized their butter, eggs, potatoes, chickens, hogs, etc., and got a better price for them. One farmer could not do that alone, but all working together could. Business men took stock in the organization and it paid dividends like a firm or corporation. It is both a buying and selling organization.

Mr. Z.O. Jenkins made a report for the road committee, working towards improving the road towards the South Carolina line.

Mr. S. Gallert made a report for the Bankhead National Highway committee. Other short and humorous talks were made, especially relating to the glory that other counties had taken from Rutherford.

It was decided to make the next meeting a “Know Rutherford County” and a special committee will be announced next week to arrange the program for the May meeting. The place of the next meeting will be decided by the directors soon. It is likely that the June meeting will be held at Chimney Rock. Music by the Ona Williams Comedy Co. orchestra was a feature of the meeting.

After the luncheon the members inspected the new hotel, which will soon be ready to open to the public. All were delighted with it. Rutherfordton will soon have a hotel that she should be proud of. Another one will be needed soon. People are turned away from both hotels every week now.

From the front page of The Sun, Rutherfordton, N.C., April 19, 1923

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