
Friday, April 21, 2023

J.M. Carruthers, Who Escaped 17 Years Ago, Being Returned to Salisbury, April 21, 1923

Carruthers, Wanted in Salisbury, Betrayed by a Friend

Macon, Ga., April 20—J.M. Carruthers, 36 years of age, who told the police that he has been living here for 17 years under an assumed name, was taken into custody today in connection with an alleged conspiracy to commit murder in Salisbury, N.C., in 1905.

Carruthers married twice here, his first wife dying, and he has reared a family of children. He was known here as Jim McRae. The police stated the arrest was made following a fight in which Carruthers and an acquaintance from North Carolina participated. Carruthers got the better of the fight, it was stated, and the former friend is said to have tipped off the police that Carruthers was wanted in North Carolina.

It was announced at police headquarters late tonight at Salisbury, N.C., officers are on their way here to get Carruthers. Carruthers refuses to discuss the history of the alleged crime in his native state.


Was Serving Sentence at the Time of His Escape

Salisbury, April 20—Jim Carruthers, who was arrested today at Macon, Ga., was serving a four-year sentence for conspiracy to commit murder, when he escaped 17 years ago. A bother convicted on the charge also escaped at that time but was captured two years ago.

Officers left here today for Macon, to return the escaped convict to his state.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, April 21, 1923. Last name was spelled Carruther once in newspaper, but all the other references were Carruthers.

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