
Friday, April 21, 2023

Three Men Held on Charge of Severely Flogging Two White Women, April 21, 1923

Sensational Affair Occurs in Robeson. . . Three Men Held On Charge of Severely Flogging Two White Women

Lumberton, April 20—B.M. Lawson, John Hedgepeth, and Proctorville, respectively, Lawson chief of police at Fairmont, were arrested late last night on nearly 15 charges from simple assault to first degree burglary and were released from custody today under a $10,000 joint bond for their appearance here next Thursday.

The arrest grew out of the flogging of two white women who were taken from the home of on and carried in an automobile about two miles from town. The prosecuting witness claims that she knows the three white men indicted as three of the 18 which waited on them Saturday night last week.

The trial was first set for this morning at 10 o’clock but on account of lack of time it was continued until next Thursday. Solicitor of Recorder’s Court F. Ertel Carlyle is assisted in the prosecution by the firms of McIntyre, Lawrence and Proctor and Hackett and McNeil. One of the largest crowds since the famous trial of Joe Kemp filled the courthouse this morning.

From the front page of The Concord Daily Tribune, Saturday, April 21, 1923. First paragraph is garbled, and name of chief of police is uncertain.

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