
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Maggie Lee Wilson, 5, Run Over by Auto, April 1, 1923

Little Girl Is Injured by Auto. . . Maggie Lee Wilson, 5 Years Old, In Watts Hospital—Head Hurt

Maggie Lee Watson, 5-year-old daughter of Mrs. G.A. Watson of East Chapel Hill street, sustained painful injuries about the head Saturday about noon when she was run over by an automobile said to be driven by Eugene Ward of Durham. The accident occurred in the street near the child’s home. She was rushed immediately to Watts hospital where her injuries were found to be serious. At a late hour Saturday night hospital officials report that the victim of the accident, while suffering considerable pain, was not in any danger and would probably be permitted to be taken home in several days. Details of the accident have not been explained. No arrest was made of the driver of the machine.

From page 2 of the Durham Morning Herald, April 1, 1923

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