
Thursday, May 18, 2023

Miss Reynolds Gives Announcement Party for Miss Dean at Blue Moon, May 18, 1923

Announcement Party Given for Miss Dean. . . Approaching Marriage of Member of Meredith Faculty. . . Miss Reynolds Entertains at Blue Moon Inn

The engagement and approaching marriage of Miss Eva Dean and Mr. Robert C. Young, both of this city, was announced at a lovely party given last night by Miss Loulie Reynolds at the Blue Moon.

The table was decorated with pink and white flowers. A silver bowl of mountain laurel and pink and white roses was used as a centerpiece and pink candles were in crystal holders. A salad and pink and white ice course with mints and punch were served.

Miss Alice Stitzel of Meredith College, accompanied by Miss Ruth Goldsmith, sang and Miss Goldsmith gave several numbers. Misses Nellie Mae Johnston, Alice Dowd and Mrs. T.R. Hart poured punch.

The announcement was found in quaint nosegays which were given the guests as favors. The marriage will take place June 5th at the First Baptist Church. Miss Dean is the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Dean of Wendell and has been making her ho me in this city with her sister, Mrs. John Dowd, for the past few years. She was graduated from Meredith College and took advanced French at Cornell University.

She is at present and has been since graduation an instructor in the French department at Meredith. As a member of the Class of ’20, she will be remembered as the efficient editor of The Acorn in her senior year.

Mr. Young is a graduate of the State College and is now superintendent of Red Oak School. He served as captain in Company K, 120th Infantry and was wounded overseas. Their marriage will be of interest throughout the State.

From the front page of The Twig, Meredith College newspaper, May 18, 1923

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