
Friday, May 19, 2023

Pat Crawford of Davidson Wildcats to Manage Lenoir Baseball Club, May 19, 1923

Davidson Man Is to Manage Local Team. . . Crawford, the Wildcat’s First Baseman, Is to Head the Lenoir Mountaineers

Pat Crawford, star first baseman for the Davidson Wildcats and field manager for the team, has accepted the position as manager of the Lenoir baseball club for the coming season. Crawford will report here about June 10 to begin to whip a team into shape for the beginning of the season. It is planned to play the first game on June 18. Last year Crawford was manager for the Kinston team in the Eastern Carolina league.

Today representatives are in Shelby for a meeting of the six clubs that propose to be in the league. Lenoir baseball fans have pledged approximately $3,000 to support the team, This, with the gate receipts and concessions, will tide the team over the 50-game schedule.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, May 19, 1923

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