
Friday, May 19, 2023

Trainman C.O. Whitener Killed and Conductor Sherman Winkler Injured, May 19, 1923

Train Wrecked at Adako Yesterday. . . Trainman C.O. Whitener of Hickory Is Killed and Winkler Injured

Trainman C.O. Whitener of Hickory was killed and Conductor Sherman Winkler of this place was injured yesterday when the tender of the work train jumped the track near Adako. The wreck happened just at noon when the engine pulling the work train near Adako was en route to the water tank at Colletsville. About 100 yards south of the high trestle it jumped the track and turned over. Whitener was caught under the wreckage and killed. Winkler received injuries about the face and head.

A special train was sent from here with physicians to take care of the injured man.

From the front page of the Lenoir News-Topic, May 19, 1923

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