
Saturday, June 24, 2023

Cora Caudle to Speak on Her Missionary Work in Africa, June 24, 1923

Returned Worker From Africa Here. . . Miss Cora Caudle, Missionary to Africa, At First Baptist Monday Evening

Miss Cora Caudle, who for a number of years was a missionary in Africa under the Southern Baptist Board of Missions, and now spending some months on a much needed furlough, will speak Monday evening at 8 o’clock at the First Baptist church. Miss Caudle will speak under the auspices of the Baptist Woman’s Missionary Unions.

The returned missionary will relate to her hearers some of her experiences while in Christian service on the Dark Continent, and will at the same time point out what service those who stay at home can put forth in the same cause.

A large number of persons are expected to hear Miss Caudle.

From page 15 of the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, June 24, 1923

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