
Saturday, June 24, 2023

Tom Dunnegan Arrested for Drunkenness, Transporting Whiskey, June 24, 1923

Liquor Is Found on Tom Dunnegan. . . Lebanon Township Man Is Arrested for Drunkenness and Transporting

Tom Dunnegan of Lebanon township was arrested Saturday by deputies of the sheriff’s department upon charges of being drunk in a public place and transplanting whiskey. It is stated that the defendant was found drunk lying beside a public road. Upon search, a quantity of whiskey was found on his person, it is declared.

Officials state that Dunnegan already has one case in court now awaiting trial. Dunnegan was placed in jail, but will probably be released Sunday or Monday upon his recovery from the influence of whiskey and the giving of bond for his appearance at the Monday session of court.

From the Durham Morning Herald, Sunday, June 24, 1923

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