
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Halifax County Farm Notes, June 1, 1923

New Century Two-Horse Cultivator at Work Today, from /, accessed June 1, 2023

Halifax County Farm Notes

--Aurelian Springs Boys Pig Club, with the help of the First National Bank of Roanoke Rapids are buying 13 registered Duroc Jersey pigs for their club work. These pigs will be delivered at the Bank on Friday, June 1st. If you want to see a pretty bunch of pigs and a happy bunch of boys, be around the Bank about 3 o’clock Friday.

--Flowers of sulphur sprinkled on your Dorothy Perkins and Crimson Rambler rose bushes will help control mildew. Apply this before the mildew shows up if possible, as it is a better preventative than cure. Repeat if washed off by rain.

--Have you ever seen what pretty work can be done with a two-horse cultivator? Next time you see one at work, go see what kind of work it does. It not only does good work but it does so much of it,. One man with two horses can cultivate 8 to 9 acres of cotton a day and work every middle too. How many can you get over with one man, one mule and a cotton plow? Efficiency is the key word of the times and unless the farmer keeps up, he can’t hope to make ends meet.

Look out for mites and lice on poultry. These fellows show up with warm weather and lots of biddies will be lost before you find the trouble. Send for bulletin of control of mites and lice.

--Sell the young roosters off the yard as soon as they get large enough to make fryers. Our farmers keep too many worthless roosters. Some farms have just as many roosters as they do hens. It s only necessary to keep a rooster to every 10 to 15 hens.

From The Progress, Enfield, N.C., June 1, 1923

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