
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Rev. Kincheloe Catches a Bootlegger's Still Instead of a Bass, June 1, 1923

Preacher Lands Still in Bellamy’s Lake

The Rocky Mount Telegram of Monday says:

Rev. J.W. Kincheloe, pastor of the first Baptist church, is known far and wide as a fishing parson, but never until last Saturday with all his fishing had the preacher caught a still. Now he has a 60-gallon copper distilling apparatus to his credit.

The “catch” occurred while Rev. Mr. Kincheloe and G.D. Modlin, also of this city, were casting for bass in Bellamy’s Lake, in Halifax county, Saturday. The parson’s line was given a sudden jerk and he thought that he was in for a scrap with a regular whale. The “catch” refused to be reeled in or to budge one bit, whereupon the two fishermen rowed to the place where the bait was caught and pulled the big still, which had been hidden under the water and in which Mr. Kincheloe’s hook had become fastened, to the surface.

The preacher brought his “catch” to police headquarters, and it is now on exhibit there. The capture still brought just as big a smile to the preacher’s face as any fish that he has ever landed.

From page 5 of The Progress, Enfield, N.C., June 1, 1923

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