
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Hearing for Abe Marshall, Arrested for Violating Prohibition Law, June 20, 1923

Stokes Man Given Hearing. . . Abe Marshall Arrested by Federal Agents on Charge of Violating Prohibition Law—Placed Under Bond

Winston-Salem, June 15—Abe Marshall of Stokes county was given a preliminary hearing recently before U.S. Commissioner Beckerdite, charged with illicit distilling. The case grew out of the finding of a 60-gasllon still and about 20 gallons of whiskey in Stokes county by Federal officers Jennings, Kilby and Trevette. The commissioner placed the defendant under bond for his appearance at the next term of federal court at Greensboro, probably cause for investigation by the higher court being found by Mr. Beckerdite.

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, June 20, 1923

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