
Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Tonsil and Adenoid Clinic for 5- to 12-year-olds Coming to Danbury, June 20, 1923

Supt. Carson Writes About Clinic Here Soon

The State Board of Health’s tonsil and adenoid clinic for school children between the ages of 5 ½ and 12 years of age will be held in Danbury, N.C., from July 3rd to 6th, inclusive. This is a wonderful work the State is doing for its people and the first time it has ever been to our county. However, it has been in 80 counties in the State and has operated on a total of 7,000 children without a single loss.

We had the dental clinic last fall, which was a great success, and I do hope that the parents will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and give the children better health and fit them for better work in school next year.

Dr. Beverly Jones from Winston-Salem, who needs no introduction to the people of Stokes county, will do the operating for the clinic.

Make application at once for a place in the clinic. Avail yourself of this opportunity and give your child a chance. Visit the clinic and see what a good work your State Board of Health is doing for its people.

--J.C. Carson, Supt. Schools

From the front page of the Danbury Reporter, June 20, 1923

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