
Thursday, June 15, 2023

Local News from Bear Grass, June 15, 1923

Local News Items from Bear Grass

Miss Annie Bell Grimes spent last week end with Dr. and Mrs. Roebuck.

Misses Mary and Euzelia Harris, Helen and Vara Green Rogers, and Messrs. Harmon Rogers, Garland Whitley, Usbe (?) Rogers, Clayton Bailey and Wilbur Cowen were the guests of Mrs. Grimes Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Rogers and little daughters, Grace and Ruth Hazel, Rossell Rogers, Herman Rogers, Loyd Cowen, Opheus Cowen, Annie Bell Grimes and Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Roebuck spent Sunday at River Side park. The party carried lunch and reported a very nice trip in spite of the sand beds.

Miss Mary Taylor and Mrs. Chas. Roebuck are attending the summer school at Williamston.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Harris gave a birthday party in honor of their daughter, Mary, on Saturday evening, June 9th. The refreshments served with cake and punch. The dining room was beautifully decorated with red, white and blue crepe paper and cut flowers. A basket of sweet peas wrapped in crepe paper decorated the dining table. Those enjoying the hospitality of Miss Harris were: Misses Helen Rogers, Vara Green, Ruth Hazel, Melba Grace, and Louise Rogers, and Bessie Malone, Lottie Taylor, Annie Bell Grimes, Beulah Cowan, Ada and Essie May Taylor, Selma and Mildred Ayers, Irene Bailey, Ruby Malone, and Messrs. Leon and Wilber Malone, Hubert Harris, Loyd and Wilbur Cowen, Herman Rogers, Lester Peele, Garland Whitley, Hildreth Mobley, Noah Rogers, Joe Roberson, Clayton and Clarence Bailey, Rossell Rogers, Charles Rogers, Ralph and Worth Mobley, Mrs. Nathan Rogers, Mrs. Charles Roebuck, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Ayers and A.B. Ayers Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mobley and Mrs. Dennis Bailey. Miss Harris received many valuable and worthy presents.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bailey motored to Norfolk Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Harris and family spent Sunday with Mrs. John Biggs of near Williamston.

Mrs. Fred Dunstan was a visitor in town today.

Miss Essie M. Taylor spent Tuesday in Williamston.

Mr. Lon Cowen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roebuck.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rogers, Beulah Cowen and A.B. Ayers spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Roberson near the Farm Life school.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Lonnie May and Garland, motored to Big Mill Sunday.

Mr. Hildreth Mobley spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. Rossell Rogers.

From the front page of The Enterprise, Williamston, N.C., Friday, June 15, 1923

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