
Saturday, June 17, 2023

New Bern May Become Recruiting Station, June 17, 1923

very to Remain Here A Few Days; Morehead Today. . . New Bern Likely to be Selected as One of Six Recruiting Stations in the State

On instructions received yesterday in a letter from recruiting headquarters at Fort Bragg, Mr. Leslie Avery who has been here six days on recruiting duty and who was to have left yesterday morning returning to Fort Bragg will be here a few days longer to receive enlistments.

Mr. Avery stated yesterday that he would go to Morehead City Tuesday to spend a few days rounding up recruits, returning here later in the week.

The letter from headquarters yesterday indicated that New Bern has a good rating with the camp authorities, and when a half dozen recruiting centers are selected in various parts of the state within the next few weeks, New Bern is likely to qualify for one of them.

From the front page of The New Bernian, Sunday, June 17, 1923.

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