
Saturday, June 17, 2023

Col. Pratt Leaving After 20 Years' State Geologist, June 17, 1923

Pratt to Retire Declares Report. . . Will Become Managing Director of Western Carolina Inc., June 30th

Raleigh, June 16—Col. Joseph Hyde Pratt, for the past 20 years state geologist, will retire from office June 30 to become managing director of Western Carolina Inc., a corporation recently organized for the exploitation of the mountain sections, according to reports reaching Raleigh yesterday. State Forester J.S. Holmes is mentioned as his successor.

Western Carolina Inc. is backed by a number of leading business and professional men from Asheville, Hendersonville, Waynesville, Marion and other mountain towns, and will expend a large sum of money annually in advertising and developing the resources of our mountain country, not only as an industrial but as a tourist center. Colonel Pratt was present at the initial meeting and was offered the place of managing director.

The directors of the State Geologic and Economic Survey will meet in Chapel Hill June 30, and it is understood that Colonel Pratt will tender his resignation at that time. Mr. Holmes has been associated with the survey for several years, and is a member of the faculty of the University of North Carolina. He has been closely associated with much of the work during the past few years, and was its director during the absence of Colonel Pratt during the war.

At the recent session of the General Assembly, the Geologic and Economic Survey was subjected to a brisk attack by several of the members of the House from the Western section of the state, and at one time a measure calling for its investigation was offered. A compromise was affected in a measure tha limited term of the State geologist to four years, making the term begin and end with that of the governor. Heretofore it has been unlimited.

From page 6 of The New Bernian, Sunday, June 17, 1923

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