
Saturday, June 3, 2023

Wright Refuge to Open July 1, 1923

Wright Refuge to be Ready in July. . . Contract Promise Completed Building on First of Next Month—To Open Soon

July 1st is the date set by the contractor for the completion of the Wright Refuge, it was larned yesterday. It was at first planned to take over the building on June 1st, but due to the delay in its completion the date was changed.

Upon the completion of the building only a few days will elapse before it will be ready for occupancy bhgy Durham county neglected children. Very little time will be required, it was stated, to put the furniture and other house furnishings in place.

When the doors of the home are opened for the admission of children, a great and long-felt need will have been realized. The home is expected to fill an important place in the life of the county and numbers of children in the years to come will receive temporary refuge in the home. The very name means a haven for the children from the storms of life for which they are not responsible and the investment made in founding the home is expected to reap a bountiful harvest in the saving of young lives at the ages when their characters are formed.

From page 10 of the Durham Morning Herald, June 3, 1923


The Wright Refuge, 3132 North Roxboro Road, Durham, N.C., was built in 1923 and demolished in 1950. A photo of the orphanage was downloaded June 3, 2023, from

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