
Monday, July 31, 2023

Daisy Bell Raper, 8, Celebrates Birthday, July 31, 1923

A Delightful Party

Little Daisy Bell Raper, the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Raper, gave a most delightful party Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock in celebration of her eighth birthday.

The guests arrived at the home of the little hostess on Hill street at the appointed hour. A number of pretty and useful gifts were presented the honoree.

The children were taken by automobile to Contentnea Park and there delicious refreshments were served which were enjoyed by all. This was followed by many enjoyable games and bathing. When the time came for departure the little guests declared they had had a most pleasant time and wished their little hostess many more happy birthdays.

From the front page of The Wilson Times, July 31, 1923

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