
Monday, July 31, 2023

Visiting in Wilson, July 31, 1923

Here on a Visit

Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Farmer of Asheville, formerly of Wilson, is here on a visit to Messrs. S.J. and J.H. Watson. She is looking well and is very active though advanced in years. Mrs. Farmer is the relict of Mr. W.E. Farmer, who was for years Coast Line Agent at this place. Mrs. Farmer moved from here 16 years ago and now lives in Asheville with her children. Her daughter, Miss Ruth Farmers, was recently married and also resides in Asheville.

She has several children and the young men followed in the footsteps of their father, and are with the Coast Line, with the exception of one who is an auditor for Sprunt and Sons of Wilmington.

Mrs. Farmer has a number of grandchildren and several great grand children.

From the front page of The Wilson Times, July 31, 1923. If Mrs. W.E. Farmer is the widow (relict) of Mr. W.E. Farmer, how can Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Farmer be visiting?

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