
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Dr. White Offers Free Vaccinations to Keep Typhoid Fever Away, July 25, 1923

Dr. J.W. White, County Health Officer, Has a Word to People as to Fever

I take this method of calling the attention of the people to some of the facts about typhoid fever.

On account of vaccinations, and the rigid sanitary laws and regulations, the number of cases of typhoid fever have been reduced from a hundred or more cases each year to a much smaller number. Last year there were reported to this office 19 cases, and 13 were reported by the 15th of July. This year we have reported to this date, July 18th, only four cases. If the people would be vaccinated, we would stop typhoid fever entirely.

From information, I find that very little vaccination has been done in and about the towns within the past three years. To be safely immune, (you) should be vaccinated every three years. I fear we are growing careless or indifferent and neglecting our duty to ourselves, our families and the community as well since we do not have much fever about us. All persons between the ages of 3 and 60 years, who have not had typhoid fever or who have not been vaccinated within the past three years, should have it done at once.

I am confident that your family physician will be glad to give you the vaccine, or if you prefer, will come to my office on Saturdays, I will give it free of charge.

--J.W. White, County Health Officer, July 18, 1923

From page 5 of the North Wilkesboro Hustler, Wednesday, July 25, 1923

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